Wednesday 5 May 2021


If the Law of Attraction replaces God with the Universe how come Newton's laws do not work in Space or the Moon. To say absolutely everything is energy is incorrect and an argument from ignorance as we do not know what everything is. As above so below because if all was energy then there could be no energy you must have no energy in order for energy to exist, just saying like.
Peanut Butter Tarot
 @Phoebus Apollo  saying all is god is the same thing as saying all is energy.. Its just depended on what limited word you wish to ascribe to the all. As soon as you get to the concept of inifinity all words meaen the same thing. There is only one infinite unbroken field of .. whateveer insufficienct word you choose to use.. Everything that is not pleuroma is creatura. But the main issue with all this babble is that words fuunction on the leveel of the mindd and that level is made to break down the one infinite into seemingly separate parts and isolate them from eachother to expeerincee multitude. But in this way whateveer the word shines a light onto leaves out everythingg not mentioned. The mind tthat people claim is the univeerse is the mind of god not the individual. But w/e. I guess we could explain the whole system of the occult and esoteric but it would be a waste of fingeer energy becaus it all comes back around to what you already are experiencing in your normal life. All experiencee is the divine or the mundane depending on where your soul sits and none are right or wrong or even that relevant.
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Phoebus Apollo
 @Peanut Butter Tarot  I am the reincarnated Ancient Egyptian Thoth God of Wisdom and also Apollo God of Music and I wrote the 8 Hermetic principles: #1
The Principle of Mentalism
The all is mind; the universe is mental.”
Everything that exists is spirit. Matter is just densified spirit. Spirit is just refined matter. All is just energy. The ALL – the substantial reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the Universe – is spirit. It is undefinable but considered as a universal living mind.
“All is mind” embodies the idea that everything that happens must be the result of a mental state that proceeds it. When you think about it in a common-sensical way, then it is simply about creating things twice – that is, first having a thought or a design in your head, and then manifesting it into its actual physical form.

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