Saturday 1 May 2021

Is James Jani wrong on the Law of Attraction?

Perhaps I can help clear up the argument as I wrote the Hermetic principles that the so called Law of Attraction is based in a previous reincarnation as Ancient Egyptian Thoth, Hermes Trismegistus in Ancient Greece. I say so called Law because it isn't a Law, or group of rules as it appears that the LOA Gurus themselves cannot use it or agree on a finished product to teach. Firstly I admit that the positive thinking aspect of the LOA will give one a degree of advantage as the Universe is mental, providing you add action to your equation as there is no effect without a cause and as all creation was once a thought. You are more likely to create a positive manifestation if you think positively. Simply thinking of everything as pure energy and like attracts like and you can manifest from thought alone will not work. A thought is so weak a signal it is not even material it has no matter and thus would not pick up iron fillings or be attractive in any way due to science based examination. Secondly you cannot have purely positive thoughts without negative thoughts or they are just thoughts of a non descriptive nature so quoting the number one LOA advocate and fake Guru Esther Hicks [Abraham does not exist] the rape victim who is a co creator of her rape and the Judge and jury are LOA followers would receive no justice is a very dangerous philosophy to follow or be a victim of. You will also find that on vibrational resonation a good thought vibrates at the same Hz as a bad thought. There is though telepathy and being positive gives you a degree of advantage but as above so below there will be an equal number of bad thoughts to good thoughts and who is the thought Judge anyway. Esther Hicks's idea that the victim is responsible for their own demise strikes me as complete insanity don't you think? Esther Hicks was my personal twin flame coach 2014-16 so I know the Abraham story pretty well and Esther broke down one argument too many with me admitting Abraham, the group of 100 teachers she supposedly channels was made up, there is no vortex and the LOA is a con to get rich teaching bull shit ideas to the humans, we parted company as I am honest and trustworthy. Thought is mind and mind is everything but the sprit that we are [our soul and sub conscious thought gun] will remain a closely guarded secret of the creator and nobody knows what it is. The LOA cannot be proved but as above so below I mentioned that thought percusses creation and no doubt the right thoughts will give you a degree of advantage in your manifestations as you should create a better thing if it derives from a good thought, providing you use the 8th Hermetic rule of Generation or creation and that is to care. Esther hicks does not care and if you can't do, teach. There again please look at the broader aspect, the human race have created a disaster on earth in nearly all they have created so those that can have bad thoughts it would seem and the successful creators can't use the LOA if the Amazon is burning, the ozone layer has a hole in it and as the lungs of the world are snuffed out your poisonous carbon emissions are resulting in such bad health. Big Pharma cannot cure one disease, you are mostly slaves and on and on I could go about the poor state of the world and the people in it as the Indians croak from a man made covid 19 disease that Big Pharma cannot cure. Our crops are GM doused in toxic chemicals , our water contains fluoride and we argue about the LOA being complete bunkum omg it will be soon time for me to rise and sort your messes out as the Messiah. Serious enquiries to my email

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