Tuesday 20 April 2021

Mary Magdalene Mystic and or Mother

http://millericons.com/​ Mary Magdalene Mystic and or Mother. Was Mary Magdalene a teacher, woman mystic, catholic woman, religious woman, and in the Christ story? She is not common to iconography. Sort video deliberately including images from France, I believe the bible story does not mention the full portrait of the Apostle to the apostles. Women who love and give to the world are today speaking. Woman in Image and women's voices have their beginning in Mary Magdalene has yet to be fully recognized.... There are more and more scholars today trying to prove or identify the “Cult of Mary Magdalene”, which arose in Provence France during the 11th century. They seek evidence for Mary and her companions having fled persecution in Jerusalem, crossing the Mediterranean in a boat, and landing near Arles in the South of France, named Saintes Maries de la Mer. She is then believed to have retired to the Holy Cave, “Sainte-Baume” on a hill in the Marseille region, and converted the residents of Provence to Christianity. Mary Jane Miller's newest how to book, Icon Painting Technique: A Meditative Guide to Egg Tempera Painting is available on Amazon.com at http://www.amazon.com/Icon-Painting-T​...


OMG, I love the speak of the New Age Gurus who know nothing but make huge sums of money advising/teaching others. You need to learn 'as above so below'. YOU CANNOT HAVE GOOD THOUGHTS WITHOUT A POLAR OPPOSITE OF BAD THOUGHTS. THERE IS NO GOOD THOUGHTS WITHOUT BAD ONES. Focus on only one sequence of thoughts and you will go mad, there will only be ‘thought’ neither positive or negative which undermines the law of attraction. Here, this first principle embodies the truth that ‘All is Mind.’ Meaning, the Universe itself, at an underlying and foundational level, is Mental. That all phenomena of life, matter and energy of the material universe are thoughts of an infinite and universal, living Mind. Which means all things share a connection in the fact they exist within the Mind of ‘THE ALL’, as it is put, and therefore are all subject to the laws of created things. This Mental Universe, for the sake of experiment, could be explained as an infinite intelligence, intelligent field, and even the nature of consciousness itself. Creating a dialogue of thought, which dances with thought.

The Principle of Mentalism explains the nature of ‘energy,’ ‘power,’ and ‘matter’ as being subordinate to the Mind, as it shows up within ourselves and the pervading nature of all things.

When you view everything, you think, and therefore do, as an interaction of thought with thought, you develop an understanding of the first principle of Mentalism, which allows you to grasp the laws of the Mental Universe and being the 7 Hermetic Principles of Hermeticism’s author Thoth go and apply them to your well-being and personal advancement. Like using the knowledge of the Principle of Polarity, which is the fourth Hermetic principle, to understand that love and hate are the same intensity of emotion, varying only in degree. And through the power of the mind, can be transferred from one degree to another by the power of objective thinking and conscious choice. The two emotions maintain their intensity, only changing in degree to suit whatever outcome and experience you most desire. This is possible by the law of Mentalism to influence other laws, and the ability for the mental plane to influence what happens on other planes. There good thoughts vibrate at the same frequency as bad thoughts therefore IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT YOU THINK IT IS WHAT YOU DO THAT MATTERS AS A REAL UNIVERSAL LAW [The LOA is pseudoscience and psychobabble] IS ABOUT ACTION REACTION, CAUSE AND EFFECT. Waiting for that rendezvous with a human who will make you rich just because you think about it will not happen, without action. Thinking of a Ferrari will not have it delivered unless you act for a reaction. Meditation just makes you a dumb ‘bastard’ said the fat Buddha laughing out loud as it is prayer that works as Jesus said.. To answer your objection a good thought resonates at the same frequency as a bad thought.


TF explanation; http://disq.us/p/2gib4l3

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