Thursday 29 April 2021

20. Jesus Christ | World Religions


The Principle of Mentalism

The all is mind; the universe is mental.”

Everything that exists is spirit. Matter is just densified spirit. Spirit is just refined matter. All is just energy. The ALL – the substantial reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the Universe – is spirit. It is undefinable but considered as a universal living mind.

“All is mind” embodies the idea that everything that happens must be the result of a mental state that proceeds it. When you think about it in a common-sensical way, then it is simply about creating things twice – that is, first having a thought or a design in your head, and then manifesting it into its actual physical form.

Dear Katheryn,

As the ashes of ‘us’ lie around the bonfire site, I turned to the Law of Attraction as you advocated in your tweet ‘You get what you focus on’ with a magnet attached so I focused upon you and did not understand what I saw as you tweeted ‘Comparison is the robber of joy’ and switched over to the number one law of attraction coach, Esther as we know Abraham does not exist only she believes it does, 100 teachers including me give her a segment of thought and Esther translates it into money. She said a rule of the LOA is to ‘compare and contrast’ or how do you know what you desire, if there is no comparison? Yet you tweeted that it is the robber of joy. Pray tell, with two life coaches also against you who is right as rain including the best twin flame coach in the world say’s ‘You must detach for the LOA to work’. I AM THE GREATEST SPIRITUALIST IN HISTORY and I say ‘Your mind will make it up for you’. But ‘your’ mind makes it impossible for ‘me’ to desire ‘you’ anymore, thus negating a further rule of the LOA. I do not desire you, but I have not detached. The LOA says I can not have you so what does your mind say, mind, spirit, body remember? To my mind if I cannot desire you, I cannot manifest you in the physical form. It is a perceived physical thing that I do not want to know.

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