Saturday 13 March 2021


Having detached from you mentally, I run the risk of activating the twin flame paradox, which is ‘pushing you away pulls you in closer’. So, I continue to blog my twin flame journey and I am averaging 200 readers a post + video so people like vlogs and keeps you out of my way. You were always hopeless as a girlfriend and you defy twin flame logic by having a flop on your hands. Yassminekatycat, you hate yourself so much that even I, your perfect energetic love match, don’t want you and I am mirroring you on that one. I wanted the great Arcanum, Kundalini, Tantric Yoga sex with the goddess of sacred sex, Erzulie, after all I was Erzulie’s husband Damballa and once I have tied you all up in ropes, nipple clamps, stockings and suspenders and removed your adult nappy sized panties and of course your husband taught us that to put a pillowcase over your head improves the aesthetics. You used to be hot and I have the leaked photos that will accompany my story to Rolling Stone. That your multi personality disorder under the MK Ultra sex-kitten programming = the victim of your handler who holds the keys to unlock you from a desired Diana [Rome] a virgin. From Isis [Greek] the eternal virgin with miracle immaculate conceptions. To Erzulie, Katy Perry <3:xD, to the Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson who so desired in 2017 to be whisked off to Paris and Amsterdam, to sell her body on the streets of the Rue St’Denis, La Pigalle and the Bananen bar just to please me your pimp. Not for the first time you chose prostitution over your twin flame reunion, remember Chimera, the first Hollywood stars as hookers escort agency you formed and became the start up escort of the night ending up as a crack whore selling your body for ‘rocks n roll’ in a downtown LA public toilet? Surprising then that your ‘Never Really Over’ pulled in your Karmic, Orlando Bloom from the wilderness and don’t say the song was for RiRi. The Official channelling garbage self-promoted songs about your love and sex life, released a Lyric video, you know like what you invented, for NRO  and at 0:47 seconds of the bog roll or till receipt there is clearly printed a twin flame style silhouette of a man and a woman. says of NRO; “This is a place to heal from our broken hearts. A place to learn that there’s a push and pull to healing. While sometimes it can feel like those old relationships will never really be over, through time and self-care, you’ll learn to heal. And, finally let things go”. 

Wonderful, add that to the Official video

where you go to a refuge to get over your past relationships, including me, your twin? This ring of insanity exposes you as a relationship killer but only since I took the time to do the inner work and learn about the twin flame phenomenon do I know that unenlightened twins panic at the effect of true unconditional love, the intensity of it and then the other twin triggers a dark night of the soul. Don’t worry it’s a spiritual awakening and an ego death.

‘I am running on empty, so out of gas’. I have proved that if you are a supreme being with his third eye always open not only do you see the wonderful Universe around you, at one with nature, you see the ‘bad’ to. Therefore, I am glad I have answered the twin flame question of how you end separation and reunite but I want to ‘be the one that got away’ so I will use reverse psychology and hermetically oppose the method as above so below. I will have to avoid the Zen Sartori spiritual life and keep pushing for you as a twin flame chaser while pretending that you are not me and ‘I was fine before you came along’. And NO soul stuff can heal me from your ugliness that is from within as without and I am God so do not expect me to lose my ego. No one tells me what to do and hey, hey, hey ‘that ego trip saved my life’. As for chakra unblocking keep off subliminals and hypnotherapy, never touch the mirror image trick and NO shadow work. My ego is rebirthed and says ‘your no good for me’. As a big breasted Baphomet bimbo who is vain enough to have a boob job wtf would you do to me? I know you told me, new teeth, cosmetic surgery, liposuction and a penis enlargement pump.

Well as our soul continuous it’s endless journey across the Universe what should we do with our individualised ‘mind’? You need to clean yours up. If I hadn’t become the runner to join you, we risked management of uniting in 3D due to perfect runner/chaser balance. Heaven forbids that pop music’s most misguided advertiser of ‘no rules just love’

Noto Bene: Krishna to Katy Hudson; “love cannot exist under the 3D paradigm because it is a fear-based dimension the opposite to love”.

As Katy Hudson usually addresses her paid for followers pretending, she is relevant, a sentence without a subject of who it is directed at usually delivered by a social media agency “I SEE YOU”, “ILY” for example, can only be directed at her multi-dimensional twin flame 1111 as Katy Hudson is one of the elites, the few who have tasted ‘real love’ be it commencing in the 5th dimension but residing firmly in 3D. All the other times you thought you felt love were lust. For ‘love’ to exist it has to be after we ascended to 5D which is what we did. Plonk I landed in the dark night of the soul at the same time as you, I quote todays news after Katy was questioned on a bigger flop than witness, smile.

After hitting a dark point in her life in 2018. Katy Perry said she had to work on her mental health. How she felt inside was taking a toll on her well-being. She told GMA, Good Morning America, “I was kind of clinically depressed coming out of that and didn’t know what my life was, and if I was gonna be – I couldn’t really even imagine living, to be honest”.

Was this at the same time as you told me “you can’t clip my wings, can’t wilt my flowers”? “you took control of a vulnerable soul”? Power and Ra has Karma points to, Hey Hey Hey Katy says “it’s one of my favourite songs from ‘witness’ and for me, it “embodies the fighting spirit I always want you to be able to find within yourself, and to see in me”. From the power anthem Hey Hey Hey Katy declares to the world that even though she is feminine and soft, she is definitely not weak or fragile, but rather strong and resilient says Billboard so was this vulnerable soul the same one who was busy declaring she did more than kiss a girl and came out as a lesbo dyke feminist? Who in my morning newspaper seems to have burnt her bra, pictures of your erect nipples have gone viral today in a tank top revealing your surgically sculptured cleavage? Katheryn Hudson or Katy Perry? Because I am not ascending to the 5th dimension, I will tip you off on how to end separation and reunite with your beloved having had the first contact in 2 months from you this evening. Here is the clue to having love in the 3D paradigm; “You have to be your true authentic self, Katheryn Elizabeth Hudson, Katy Perry, Cleopatra, Isis or your higher self, God”. Nothing until you ditch or absorb your alter ego KP like Bey ditched hers, Sasha Fierce, after her spiritual awakening. Your method of contact was internet based reiterating your ‘blue’ period in 2018, your life purpose is to “find and reunite with your twin flame, ascend together to 5D, let our love shine in public as the prime example of unconditional love, Mr and Mrs God the heavenly Mother and heavenly Father. To lead the TF collective to unconditional love and higher consciousness. Then to switch to Mary Magdalene as I reveal Jesus is God”. Stop placing such seriousness to the Katy Perry show, why commit suicide because you only sell music if you give it away. We [Katycats] are clowns now, have a laugh.    

Dear Katy, now you will laugh I hate you so much that I was packing up being a Katycat King and was going to detach from you. This was due to insanity on my behalf as that would pull you in. Read Zen spirituality and remember we are energy I push you pull. You don’t exist you are dead inside like a Zombie, gone from public view, never photographed never heard.

The laugh is I now have 16,909 page views on our twin flame vlog at Katy Hudson’s Vlog on blogspot. Com. Do you remember your excitement when you got 200 likes on your account? Well, I think I should entertain the crowd as well as myself. The above photo taken from Friday’s Daily Mail includes your baby and with fiancée in tow tells me to sing “I look in the mirror and it tells me the truth”. Proof;

15 Times Katy Perry Looked Downright Ugly | TheRichest

This evening your fiancée is on a UK chat show and I may have 16,909 fans wanting some more about us as twin flames but it is not a twin flame relationship as no communication = no relationship. Blocking me on Instagram, Valentine’s card returns to sender, I get the message, where is the blog in that? Just another twin flame relationship up in flames.


Katy 3rd June 2014 Thames ferry, London, black stockings, black blazer, mini skirt sexy, green hair era; Wide Awake KATY PERRY

New Age Guru’s scammers:


Dear Katy, I do not know if you were conned by Abraham Hicks as I was but I have always maintained that the Law of Attraction does not work and you know I have found 2 big faults in it without even trying and well, your recent tweet to nobody and everybody says you get what you focus on with an emoji magnet and I have to tell you I focus on you every waking day and even dream of you at night and here we are 22:12 11/03/2021 and where are you the physical thing attached to my soul. Now here is the thing, I have been following New Age Guru’s about ‘us’ as twin flames. See the above video and you will know that they are probably wrong and did ‘we’ have such an intense love affair that ‘you’ are scared off, it’s power and intensity being to much to handle or was ‘I’ all alone? Am I just unwanted by you, then explain the amount of time we were together and why you threatened suicide if I left you and why your boss offered me $500,000 PA as a sweetener not to dump you by text because she ‘destroy all she touches’ and so far since age 16 you have been in a string of failed relationships? Then aged 36 gets engaged, has a baby, finds her ‘smile’ again. It is widely reported that you have been taught ‘true love’ and that opposites attract with your affair with your fiancée Bloom-Bot. Only your body double was photographed getting engaged and when Bloom-Bot left you for another younger, prettier girl in 2016 you became suicidal until he returned.










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