Tuesday 16 March 2021

The Law Of Attraction: Fact Or Fiction?

New Age Guru’s scammers:  https://youtu.be/yyktccr5apU


Dear Katy, I do not know if you were conned by Abraham Hicks as I was but I have always maintained that the Law of Attraction does not work and you know I have found 2 big faults in it without even trying and well, your recent tweet to nobody and everybody says you get what you focus on with an emoji magnet and I have to tell you I focus on you every waking day and even dream of you at night and here we are 22:12 11/03/2021 and where are you the physical thing attached to my soul? Now here is the thing, I have been following New Age Guru’s about ‘us’ as twin flames. See the above video and you will know that they are probably wrong and did ‘we’ have such an intense love affair that ‘you’ are scared off, it’s power and intensity being too much to handle or was ‘I’ all alone? Am I just unwanted by you, then explain the amount of time we were together and why you threatened suicide if I left you and why your boss offered me $500,000 PA as a sweetener not to dump you by text because she ‘destroy all she touches’ and so far since age 16 you have been in a string of failed relationships? Then aged 36 https://www.twitter.com/katyperry gets engaged, has a baby, finds her ‘smile’ again. It is widely reported that you have been taught ‘true love’ and that opposites attract with your affair with your fiancée Bloom-Bot. Only your body double was photographed getting engaged and when Bloom-Bot left you for another, younger, prettier girl in 2016 you became suicidal until he returned. A Katy Hudson common theme but this ‘spells’ disaster for your twin flame journey as you have used the Law of Attraction and you get what you focus on, you say so you have not been focusing on me; https://youtu.be/OHz4slbIRyE Law of Attraction fact or fiction?

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