Sunday 16 October 2022

Mary Magdalene and the Return of the Divine Goddess with Tricia McCannon...

John Stephen Rumary Dip (Oxon)

4 Lydwells Flats

High Street


Royal Tunbridge Wells


01892 891405

NHS NUMBER: 478 397 5523



RE: Aripiprazole Abilify 400mg depot injection monthly atypical antipsychotic medication

Tegretol Carbamazepine modified release tablets 200mg twice daily as mood stabiliser


Dear Dr Cameron,

Further to our appointment at your surgery last week I have been in touch with my next of kin Dr Simon Rumary (01622 859541) to ask for his assistance in my mental healthcare at SW Kent Adult Mental Health Service, Highlands House, 10-12 Calverley Park Gardens, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, TN1 2JN (01892 709211) under the direction of Consultant Psychiatrist Dr Spazak-Lee and my CPN Danewahr (Dennis) Luchman.

To say I am totally dissatisfied with the treatment I have received there since 1998 is a gross understatement and not for the first time in the last 24 years I seriously fear for my life in their hands if I continue to engage with them. Therefore, I propose that I seek my mental healthcare needs in the private sector and have today contacted the Priory Hospital at Ticehurst House, Wadhurst, TN3 7HU (01580 200391) Freephone (0800 280 8106) General enquiries: (0808 115 5259) and my first port of call is my GP, to keep him up to date with my actions and intent and to graciously ask for a referral.

Previously Dr Tracey has referred me to a Dr Rowlands at Godden Green clinic in Sevenoaks in 2010 and he was an eminent Psychiatrist from the Royal College of Psychiatry who conducted a mental health assessment on myself and my partner Paula French (0759 325 0958). To my amazement he confirmed an NHS misdiagnosis for me and was satisfied that Paula did not have any mental illnesses whatsoever. Armed with Dr Rowlands report and an assessment by an independent doctor from the mental health tribunal service in August 2012 I was given the result by the Judge as misdiagnosis upheld at my Priority House tribunal which was the equivalent to a court of law and had a clerk to the court in attendance. The Kent and Medway NHS and Social Care Partnership Trust have refused since 2012 to furnish me with the tribunal result but in 2020 they confirmed that they still had the result, but the tribunal service forbade them to pass it on to me under information commissioner’s office rules in I suspect a conspiracy to defraud me of my compensation that is now surely due. I am asking you as well to try and obtain a copy for your own records as I am being treated with toxic waste dump antipsychotic medication for a mental illness, I have proved I do not have and if you are happy to give me a referral to the private sector then Lamberhurst surgery will play an important role in my continued recovery and mental health wellness. In the Down we trust.

Regarding my mental illness, it is in the private healthcare system Unipolar on the high side (Mania) treated with Tegretol Carbamazepine prolonged release tablets 200mg twice daily for mood stabiliser which you are already prescribing for me. I most recently had my diagnosis confirmed by a Dr Cohen at Godden Green clinic, Sevenoaks who was able to explain why the NHS Psychiatrists had refused to accept my private diagnosis of Unipolar (Mania) yet continued to treat me for Bipolar Affective Disorder. The NHS uses the United Nations manual on mental disorders which does not include my very rare mental illness Unipolar (Mania), however the private Psychiatrists use the AMA (American Psychiatric Association) DSM (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) V which lists it.

If you could refer me to the Priory, the referrals team is (0800 840 3219). thank you. I contacted (888) 645-1617 for confirmation of the side effects I suffer from and sent them this email:

‘I take Aripiprazole Abilify 400mg monthly injection in the UK, I now have Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome, type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol, fast heart rate, fatty deposits on the liver, weight gain, constant sexual urges, compulsive shopping binges, choking, arrested breathing attacks, nightmares, panic attacks, anxiety, bulimia. I have taken the same dose for 4 years for a misdiagnosed mental illness I simply do not have. My GP hands out a bucket full of band aid physical medications to combat my diseases and I want compensation as my life has been ruined by NHS mental health services. Can I use your website if I cite it, please?’ 1 South Orange Ave, Suite 201, Orlando, FL 32801 855-978-1836

Drug watch keep people safe from potentially harmful drugs, medical devices, and procedures by informing them of medical conditions and severe side effects and ways to act. Drug watch’s goal is to make you aware of drugs, medical devices and other products that may threaten your safety. We want to empower you as a consumer by informing you of your rights.

Abilify is also associated with harmful metabolic changes, including weight gain, increased cholesterol, low white blood cell counts, insulin resistance and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.


A)      Neuroleptic malignant syndrome, symptoms include 1) Fast heart rate, 2) High fever/sweating, 3) Rigid muscles, 4) Weight gain, 5) Changes in your metabolism causes type 2 diabetes, 6) High Cholesterol.

B)      Impulse control problems cause urges to do things like 1) Binge eating, 2) Compulsive shopping, 3) Gambling, 4) Sexual urges.

I think you get the picture that dropping the anti-psychotic should positively affect the illnesses you are treating me for. I do not concern myself with seeking a no win, no fee solicitor to sue the NHS but the hospital trust can compensate me, and I will donate it to Bipolar UK where I am a Media Ambassador.



Medical Negligence | ukinjuryclaims



Yours Faithfully



John S Rumary Dip (Oxon)

cc. The Rt Hon Greg Clark MP

Dr Simon Rumary

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