Thursday 24 June 2021

Is It The End of Katy Perry?

3D is made up of society and humans like to live in groups or Universals and how do people identify themselves as members of a group or society? They identify themselves with one another in their ego, ego death leaves you a sad singular new ager where all your old contacts, colleagues, family and friends just don't get you. You wake up in a messy house littered with crystals and books on the law of attraction balancing your chakras and studying conspiracy theories. lol. WE ARE THE MIND, I replicate principle number 1 of the Hermetic Principles: #1
The Principle of Mentalism
The all is mind; the universe is mental.”
Everything that exists is spirit. Matter is just densified spirit. Spirit is just refined matter. All is just energy. The ALL – the substantial reality underlying all the outward manifestations and appearances which we know under the Universe – is spirit. It is undefinable but considered as a universal living mind.
“All is mind” embodies the idea that everything that happens must be the result of a mental state that proceeds it. When you think about it in a common-sensical way, then it is simply about creating things twice – that is, first having a thought or a design in your head, and then manifesting it into its actual physical form.

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