Wednesday 23 March 2022

Twin Flames - DM DEFEATED! 😩 Collective Reading 03/20 - 03/26 2022

Polarity of + or - = the Divine Feminine is the positive (+) polarity and the Divine Masculine is the negative (-). polarity. The electronic force for charges at rest has the following properties. Like charges repel each other, unlike charges attract. Thus, two negative charges repel one another, while a positive charge attracts a negative charge. The attraction or repulsion acts along the line between the two charges. The soul is like light and moves in a straight line via waves. Schrodinger's Wave Theory simply means that the sum of two waves is still a wave. Higher vibrations won't necessarily affect your twin because at your souls creation it resonates at a particular Hz so when you and your physical twin incarnate you are one soul in two bodies. The soul remains at a constant resonance therefore you and your twin are an exact energetic match with the same energetic blueprint there are no other persons in the Universe who match you and your twins unique resonance. Now rather than spend money on twin flame training that advocates new age woo woo programs like missions to raise the frequency on Earth for Ascension to a higher dimension to save the planet and get yourself out of the NOW (which is the place where all your problems are) and go back to the point where you first achieved union with your twin and repeat the process that led to union in the first place. That was when you did not focus on your twin, had not undergone the dark night of the soul, ego death and the void of separation and repeat for reunion. Remember to watch Kurt's videos and you will learn that you are your twin flame so you are attracting yourself. Do your spiritual work on your own soul rather than focus upon your twin.

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