Sunday 31 July 2022

Katy Perry singing Queen - Don't Stop Me Now - live

You're all set! The username @newagekatycats has been created for Katycats of the New Age of Aquarius. It's now easier for people to find your Page in search. People can also visit your Page at and send your Page messages at 


My conclusion is that there is no such thing as 5D consciousness and it is the invention of new age gurus and followed by people who don’t want to face reality. Rather than put to good use the principles of compassion, empathy and love in the real world thus solving the problems of the world – the new age gurus instead have invented this fantasy world called new earth that only exists in the future where those attributes exist and sell this future fantasy to those who don’t want to resolve the problems facing them in today’s world. The whole 5D consciousness industry is now 8 years into the new age of Aquarius and looking like a common or garden snake oil den for salesmen/women. “If spiritual people are so fascinated with consciousness, then why do they work so hard at being unconscious of reality through metaphysical stories? Because reality is a bitch”. The unSpirituality project, Exposing the Woo. 

#TheGalacticFederation; This bunch of Sedona based scammers have tens of thousands of complete air heads who have relinquished all mental discernment, listening to video after video of complete BS as the Galactic Federation pretend to be ET’s here to save the lucky air heads who believe them, not by landing their non-existent space ships on planet earth to transport a bunch of low vibratory losers back to far away Galaxies but by inventing a fantasy place called 5D. In this wonderful fantasy place, everybody will live in peace and harmony at one with nature and in a state of oneness for the whole of humanity just because 10 thousand new age believers can switch the other 7.5 billion people into their desired utopia by raising their vibrations. Raising their vibrations OMG those believers in the Galactic Feds are more likely to plunge humanity into the 1D rather than 5D. As half of nature pursues the other half to eat them provided, they can avoid the forest fires and floods, cyclones and hurricanes of global warming, the realized nature of a few pretty trees that are in view to the new age air heads, is a miserable place where the Buddha says “All life is suffering”. 

  • I have just clicked on your video today about Ascension to 5D. As an Ascended Master my job is to assist Light Workers and I think before you travel down the inter dimensional rabbit hole you should be aware of geometry. You should know why the 5th Dimension cannot be observed by humans therefore you yourself have not been there so how are you going to teach 5D Ascension to other Light Workers? See video: 5th Dimension explained, why humans cannot observe the 5th Dimension [copy n paste in Youtube} 

What's more: A 5th dimensional being would have all the power that a lower dimensional being has, along with many extra capabilities. A being of 5 dimensions would be able to control time as per his/her wish. He/she would be able to move in any direction in Time – past or future. It would be possible for him/her to be present at different locations. “YOU” Lightworkers, Way Showers are being led down the rabbit hole as far as already being in 5D or thinking a few hours meditation and maintaining high vibratory thoughts is going to get you there. 


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